Mental health

Treating the mental health problems of our patients around the world

11. 10. 2023

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In a world where not a day goes by without senseless bloodshed or a sudden natural disaster, we easily forget to take care of the most important part of our body – the human soul.After all, it doesn’t bleed and supposedly it can’t even be photographed…

On the occasion of World Mental Health Day, we would like to share some good news with you. Thanks to your generosity, we can provide this care to more and more patients and more efficiently.In the last year alone, we have increased the capacity of MAGNA medical teams providing psychological assistance to more than 3,500 consultations per month. It wouldn’t be possible without your help. Thank you very much for that.

Unfortunately, despite all our efforts, the number of children suffering from post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD/PTSD) continues to increase. At our clinics in Ukraine, Lebanon, but also in Syria and Congo, we increasingly meet children who have been completely excluded from their normal lives by this disorder. At first glance, they are children like any other, just like mine or yours. However, on second glance, it is obvious that the wounds on their soul are deep and will never heal without professional help.

These children are unable to connect with their peers and are haunted by nightmares and daily panic attacks. Many of them just disappear one day and we find them hiding under the table, where they refuse to come out for months. Only professional staff can help them. Without professional care, these children will never grow into functional adults, and the cycle of violence and suffering will continue to repeat itself.
Denisa Augustinová, operation director MAGNA.

At least 150 million people worldwide need psychological help today. These people have experienced wars, sexual violence, famine or natural disasters. Many of them live in Ukraine, Afghanistan, Lebanon or Congo. However, quite a few of them live among us and we may not even know about their suffering.

How can you help?

Not everyone can treat patients in the field. But everyone can be a part of it. We need your support to continue this life-saving work.

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