South Sudan
South Sudan: 1.5 million people already have the status of a displaced.
Since the conflict erupted in December 2013, 1.5 million South Sudanese have already got the status of a „refugee”. The situation in the country is not getting any better. The number of migrants looking for safety in refugee camps increases every day. New places for relocation of a large number of people are created artificially within the country that is exceeding its capacity. Displaced people fight for survival every day: they are missing staple food, health care and education. There is vandalism in camps, health facilities of humanitarian organizations are looted. The shooting can be heard every day.
The current period of droughts is a unique opportunity for reconstruction of infrastructure and preparation supplies. 2.5 million people are facing food crisis in South Sudan. Refugee camps are the birthplace of communicable diseases, because many people there live in disproportionally small places and in horrible hygienic conditions. The most common cause of death in the camps is ILI (Influenza-like illness) in the form of pneumonia. Pneumonia is the cause of death in almost 20% of children in the world. OCHA lists malaria and diarrhea as other common diseases.
Hygiene here is terrible. People are not showering for 2 or 3 days, food is often not cooked properly and has to be eaten raw. We cannot even clean our dishes
More than 117 people already died as a result of acute diarrhea in refugee camp in Juba since the beginning of the year.
The project of Magna Children at Risk in the refugee camp UN House Juba III in South Sudan provides immunization of the most vulnerable group – children and women. Only in January alone, MAGNA vaccinated 7,676 people against tuberculosis, measles, polio, diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus. We also serve vitamin A supplements and provide deworming. Our main aim is to reduce morbidity and mortality of children and of pregnant women in refugee camps and to increase awareness about immunization in local communities.