
Afghanistan: access to health care in Khost

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In the province of Khost near the border with Pakistan, MAGNA teams provide medical assistance to the local population, which was hit by the earthquake in August 2022. The aid is aimed primarily at covering primary health services for children and women.

Dr. Baqi, MAGNA medical coordinator
AFGHANISTAN. Copyright Martin Bandžák(MAGNA

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Why does MAGNA intervene in Afghanistan?

People have very limited access to health care in Afghanistan.

MAGNA focuses on child and maternal health care in Afghanistan, which has one of the highest maternal mortality rates in the world. Child malnutrition is currently one of the most significant problems in the country, which also faces frequent natural disasters, such as the last earthquake in Khost province. MAGNA has a specialized emergency team in the country and stocks of medicines and medical supplies needed for such emergencies.


  • Child’s health
  • Mother care
  • Malnutrition


The first MAGNA intervention in the country

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