South Sudan

South Sudan: nutritional care in response to famine in Jonglei

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MAGNA in South Sudan has strengthened its health teams and is currently opening 3 nutrition centers aimed at treating child malnutrition in the Duk Pagaak area of Jonglei. Health care is primarily focused on the treatment of severe cases of malnutrition, which includes both hospital and outpatient treatment.

MAGNA teams in these areas provide access to healthcare for 100,000 people. Daily, as part of their activities, they identify and monitor cases of malnutrition and provide subsequent nutritional assistance.
Denisa Augustínová, director of MAGNA medical programs
Arrival with medicine supplies to MAGNA Hospital Duk Pagak.
SOUTH SUDAN. Duk Pagaak. Copyright Martin Bandžák/MAGNA

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Why does MAGNA intervene in South Sudan?

Faced with extreme violence and living in fear for their lives, hundreds of thousands of people in South Sudan lack access to basic needs such as food, water and healthcare.

We run some of our most challenging programs in the world in South Sudan. MAGNA teams provide basic and specialist health care and respond to emergencies and outbreaks affecting isolated communities and internally displaced persons.


  • Malnutrition
  • Assistance to refugees and displaced persons
  • Infectious diseases


The first MAGNA intervention in the country.

MAGNA operácie v Južnom Sudáne

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