Kasai - one of the world's greatest humanitarian crises

27. 04. 2018

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Her name is Michelle and she is just 14 years old. Her father has just brought her to the MAGNA clinic.

She arrived just in time, within 72 hours of having been raped. This enabled her to receive a comprehensive assistance package and avoid any further undesirable effects such as HIV. She had been attending a local school, but this is no longer possible due to the stigma.

Michelle is one of over 1,000 victims of sexual assault MAGNA is currently treating in Kasai.

Welcome to Kasai, a province that in the past couple of months has turned from a relatively unspoilt part of the DR Congo into one of the world’s greatest humanitarian crises. The thousands dead and 1.4 million displaced people are the consequences of a campaign of murdering civilians and sexually assaulting both women and children.

MAGNA opened its mission here in November 2017 and more than 100 of its staff is providing medical assistance and material aid to victims of sexual violence at 10 health centres and in neighbouring communities.

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