We help babies survive their critical first month

25. 01. 2019

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Sylvie, 14-year old mother from the Democratic Republic of Congo, had only one wish for Christmas, which was a quality healthcare for her newborn child. For a large proportion of mothers, in countries such as DRC, this may only be a distant dream. Thanks to its regular supporters, MAGNA will be able to provide safe clean deliveries and quality postnatal care for mothers and newborn children also in year 2019.  

Provision of mother and child healthcare is one of MAGNA main activities. For mothers and children living in remote and hard to reach areas the most critical part of their lives is the time of delivery and the first month of the newborn child. Therefore, focus on mothers, newborn and child care has been the core of all MAGNA projects implemented in countries of the Global South.

Part of the activities is provision of comprehensive reproductive healthcare services, including obstetric and postnatal care for mother and newborn children. The overall aim of MAGNA projects is to create the access to quality health care services, as well as to mitigate maternal and child morbidity and mortality.

800 women daily

According to WHO statistics nearly 800 women die daily due to pregnancy-related complications; while 99% of these women live in countries of the Global South. Most of these complications are common pregnancy and delivery issues that can be avoided and prevented through access to regular quality healthcare.

MAGNA projects usually consist of two closely joined parts including integration of comprehensive gynecological and obstetric healthcare (OB-GYN) into primary healthcare services that are provided by trained healthcare professionals. At the same time MAGNA trains and supports traditional midwifes assisting women during pregnancy and after delivery directly in communities via homecare.

Most of mothers’ deaths occur directly before, during, or shortly after the delivery. Therefore timely assistance provided by healthcare professionals makes a life and death difference for mothers experiencing pregnancy or delivery complications. MAGNA qualified healthcare professionals working in communities are able to identify emerging complications when they appear.  Additional mobile healthcare services operating directly in remote and hard to reach communities allow us to connect urgent cases to hospitals and specialized healthcare facilities.   

Additionally, family planning services are crucial part of comprehensive reproductive healthcare. These services include counseling and awareness sessions with topics related to sexually transmitted diseases. These sessions are part of prenatal consultations as well as consultations for victims of sexual and gender-based violence.

7 000 children daily

However, not only mothers, but also newborn babies are in risk of life. According to WHO statistics 2.6 million children die before reaching their 1st month. Over 80% of these newborn deaths are due to premature birth, infections caused by unsafe delivery, complications raised during deliveries, later meningitides or pneumonia. In such cases highly trained healthcare professionals are the main component of saving mothers’ and child’s life.

Apart from obstetric care MAGNA provides quality newborn care, including newborn screening, medical examination treatment and care, and vaccination. Specialized counseling for mothers include breastfeeding support, child nutritional care, and hygiene counseling.

10 000 safe deliveries annually

Thanks to MAGNA individual and corporate supporters we provide 10 000 safe clean deliveries annually, followed by newborn care.

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